METIS (or MicroElectronics Training, Industry and Skills) is a project funded by the European Commissions under Erasmus + KEY Action 2 Programme Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliances, with 20 partners,  including including the European Association of Career Guidance, from 14 countries representing industry (Start-Ups, SMEs, Large Firms), national and EU industry associations, formal educational providers and regulatory bodies in the field of accreditation and certification.

Microelectronics are an essential component of virtually all aspects of our daily lives. Advanced skills of designing and manufacturing microelectronics components and systems are becoming of strategic importance to Europe because they are the brains of all modern services and products. With incredible processing power, they enable billions of computations per second and store vast data. Artificial Intelligence, smartphones, computers, cloud storage, automobiles, space travel and medical equipment all rely on microelectronics.

Today the microelectronics sector in Europe only is responsible directly 200,000 and indirectly 1,000,000 high-skilled jobs and the demand for new skills is unceasing because of the:

1. Emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), its impact on how data will be processed, analysed and shared.

2. Increased recognition of microelectronics as an essential strategic technology with huge impact at both geo-economic and political levels due to the relevance of microelectronics in critical areas such as automotive, energy, aerospace, healthcare, defence, telecom and data centres.

All the above have made it imperative for EU to advance its competitiveness in microelectronics otherwise Europe will not be able to take a leading position in digital economy and face critical challenges. To advance its competitiveness, the EU microelectronics sector needs to overcome severe skills shortages. In this light, METIS (brings a unique European partnership establishing a sustainable framework to:

• analyse key global trends affecting the sector and provide strategic insights and foresights

• anticipate emerging skills needs, identify jobs of the future, define related occupational profiles and monitor progress in the domain of human capital for microelectronics

• develop a Sector Skills Strategy to support the global leadership of the EU microelectronics industry, establishing operational linkages between skills and the future of the sector

• federate European synergies towards the needs of data-driven technologies such as artificial intelligence enabled by advanced microelectronics and its skills requirements

• establish an EU Microelectronics Observatory & Skills Council

• design and deliver a modular and blended curriculum, integrating work-based learning that uses OER

• pave the way for the pan-European recognition and certification of innovative VET

• use innovative tools such as industry mentoring to facilitate inter-generational transfer of knowledge in the sector

• embed social (diversity & inclusion) and environmental sustainability (circular economy) issues and EU policy goals in workforce development

METIS’ key novelty is that for the first time an industry association serving the electronics supply chain with 2,100 organizations, SEMI Europe, takes the lead to connect the worlds of VET and industry in Europe

To complete the survey click here

Implementation period:  01/11/2019 – 31/10/2023 (48 months)