I-ACE is an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project in the field of Strategic Partnerships for school education. Inter-personal communication and international cooperation play a key role in education and in a broader sense, in active citizenship. These opportunities should be equally available to all, promoting social inclusion.
However, the access to these opportunities by disabled people is constrained, in particular for deaf people due to the barriers they face in daily communication. These are facts that severely compromise the development of creative, emotional and social skills in deaf students. Barriers to education limit future opportunities. Any contribution to tear these barriers down promotes equity.The I-ACE project will establish an innovative infrastructure to promote fluid communication with, and between, deaf students from different European countries. This infrastructure includes an automatic European Sign Language Translator allowing the automatic bi-directional translation between sign language and written speech in six European sign languages thus reducing the communicational gap and contributing to promote the access to education and a better quality of life of deaf students.
The I-ACE project aims to transfer innovative research results and put them to the service of the European community.

Implementation Period: 01/11/2016-31/10/2018